Back Pain

When a person suffers from back pain caused by a personal injury, sciatica, or a sports injury, they find it difficult to perform routine tasks as they were able to before. Contact Regenerative Health and Chiropractic, LTD in Granite City if you are dealing with back pain issues. Our chiropractor is available to answer any questions and will help you obtain the proper treatment to stop discomfort quickly. Here are some actions our practitioner takes when dealing with back pain issues.


Our Chiropractor Will Perform Spinal Adjustments

One of the best ways to reduce back pain is with the administering of spinal adjustments in the comfort of our office. Our practitioner will evaluate the extent of your personal injury to determine which portion of your spine is in need of treatment. You will be asked to rest on a table either on your stomach or your side. Our chiropractor will then manipulate your spine gently. This reduces stress placed on the joints near your back. When this happens, blood flow increases, thereby speeding up the healing of the affected area.

Massage Is Administered To Aid In Pain Reduction

Light massage of affected muscles in the body helps to get the blood circulating. This is usually a favorable feeling to clients and is provided in our chiropractor's office by our professional staff members. If you get a massage to help reduce discomfort due to sciatica or a personal or sports injury, be sure to let the administrator know if you feel any pain while the process is being done. This indicates other means of treatment may be needed to help with discomfort.

Temperature Change Or Electric Stimulation Is Provided

Many people find that the use of warm temperatures applied to the affected area of the body helps to reduce pain. The use of warmth via heating pads is provided at our office while you are monitored by our staff. This is usually done before massage to help get the muscles primed for the event. In addition to temperature therapy, electric stimulation of the muscles can also be beneficial.

This is done with the use of a special machine that has small probes that are hooked up to the muscles using small sticky pads. Pulses of electricity are pushed through the machine toward the probes, moving the muscles as they would naturally. This process speeds up healing.

Contact Regenerative Health and Chiropractic, LTD in Granite City, IL

If you live in the Granite City area, and you are affected by a personal injury, sciatica, or a sports injury, Regenerative Health and Chiropractic, LTD can help. Are you looking for a chiropractor near me? Call our chiropractor today at (618) 931-2050 to schedule an appointment to treat your back pain.
